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Manish Srivastava

I have been a software developer(Java, C#, Kotlin, JavaScript, Android, iPhone, J2ME, openui5, HTML, Jersey, Grizzly, Spring Boot, Maven, Gradle, Agile, DevOps, Unity3D,  Mysql, IBM Bluemix, Worklight) for over 8 years. I have done enterprise level development for large and small companies alike. Around 2011, I started doing Development for my customers.

I always build clean, friendly, semantic application for every customer. For my clients, I get 100% involved, dedicated to making sure they get the best performance from the application. I strive for long term results. I truly enjoy challenging Software Development & Research, and am very passionate about it. This enables me to do the best job for my clients.

Thanks, and good luck !

Manish Srivaastava
Software Engineer
Android Hub 4 You
My Google+ Profile


  1. Hi manish,
    i just want to add edit and delete button in the list view..............
    like this link

    Would you plz help me

    1. Hi,
      you can try my this blog it will help you-



  2. Yes it works fine ............ :)
    Thanks a lot for your kind help

  3. hi!
    i want 2 develop a car racing game in android so please suggest us the most appropriate tool for that i am waiting for your reply

    1. I am sorry shakeel I have no idea about Game development. I have no project on games development. But if you are working on that please share your idea with me I want learn with you. And hope I can help you later on.

    2. For this Racing game, it would be better if you start with a basic level first. Try using 'Scratch' mit.scratch.edu and get the idea about it. There would be multiple background and also your sprite(racing car) will change it's appearance (say 60 fps) so the movement will be smooth. You need to keep updating the appearance and background simultaneously accordingly. And once the background is out of the screen you can clear the memory and make space for the next background to come in. Hope this helps. I started with a basic game and the background speed is relative to your character(car) speed. You can do this all y creating an update() module in which you will have to call the different appearances of your car till the screen is touched or similar, that you wish as input for its movement.

    3. Thanks Jackson I will try too..

      Really Thanks!

  4. Hi MR manishsri

    i have the problem in your code


    If I have list element with eg. TextView and in some cases it will contain two lines of text (or more) instead of one then height of whole ListView isn't measured correctly. Have solution for that?

    Thank you :)

    1. Hi,

      Its working fine my side I have mail you print screen please check and tell me if any issue or send your layout where you are getting issue.


  5. hi Manish

    i wanto make custom calendar. So that i can add,delete the event in it. can u help me ragarding this

    1. Sorry dear i have no code for this.. just use sqlite for it on click of perticular date..

    2. Hello Manish,

      you can use caldroid for custom calendar it is best 3rd party calendar for android and support previous android versions.


  6. Hi Manish,
    I am trying to create parallax scrolling effect in android with say 1 background and 2 foregrounds with text and you swipe the screen to see the parallax effect in which the different UI components on the screen move at different speeds.. Any directions on how to implement it?


  7. No more idea but you can use view fliper custom animation....... with diffrent speed for diffrent page..

  8. hi mr manis
    can i know how to control (update the application when i am finish the application(my app aredai upload to market

    1. Please change application version in your manifest and make it sign apk i mean export this apk as signed signature, using same keystore. After that upload it on google market . Google will be send push notification to user for update application with new version..

    2. thanks my dear
      I know this
      but i need to ues mysql or php or .........?i don't know this
      when i do application for my friend how he can update it

    3. I did not understand please explain in detail.. what you mean by mysql , php? Are you talking about php web serviced? If yes you change it any time with version update of application.
      And if you want change your local database here an option for alter table in sqlite with sqlite version..

    4. i will tell you what haben for me
      1- i do for my friend application
      2- after sum days he tiled me how i add new msg to my appl
      3- he tiled me how i edit my application lake (delete , add new msg )
      4- i need to do it with out update or chng the version

      thanks for your corporation

    5. Sorry to bother you

      i sent to your email application what i need to do like it

    6. Okay Thanks I will check.. And sorry I am unable to read "Arab" language so I still I don't know your name :)

      Well if you want change your application change without change your application version you should use dynamic design of view on run time using web services..
      So you can easily make changes in your application with out change version..


    7. my name Essa

      can you tech me how

      when i change any thing in my application
      who is download he will get that change

      thanks my dear

  9. Hi Manish,

    I want to add a picture in Google maps, by basing its longitude and latitude. If i press on that picture it most show the exact location. waiting for u r replay..

    1. Hi for that please add your image as custom marker-
      googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(point).icon(

      check my this post-

      on tap that image it will display you current lat, lon...


  10. Hello Manish,

    you have any tutorial for how to make custom selector, style and themes, and better UI tips,
    thanks in advance.

    1. For UI use Relative as much possible and try to avoid fixing height width of any view.

  11. hi manish!
    plz,giv me your push notification example source code from this mail id- ashok.radadiya2010@gmail.com
    b'coz your blog example is not run.

    1. Please check blog a download link there and I change GCM.php file also..

  12. Hi Manish ,
    I got the calender.Thanks a lot.Is there a code with you to add even ton click of the date in calender.. i mean on clicking on a certain date it should open a new pop up where there are time slots from 00:00-24:00 (That is for eg like 09:00-10:00 and similarly). If it is have the code pls share ..


  13. Hi Manish ,

    I Want to put alaram on the location which user entered in address whe they reach at that particular place.can u tell me what to add in terms of code??

    1. Hi jalpa,

      Just save lat lon in preference and create service for getting location in background and when it is match with your saved preference send notification using alarm manager..
      You can specify area also like 500 meter near of Delhi etc...

    2. yup i got your point some what but can u send me the code for that.

    3. Let me know your email id, I will send you demo code.

    4. Check your email I have sent you the zip code...

  14. Hello manish, I always read your blog it is very helpful to me and others who want learn android. you always reply all off your visitors questions i like it.really you have good knowledge in your domain, you are my role model, i want be like you.i want talk with you can i have your phone number please? if you don't mind.


    1. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks ! Thanks! Thanks!
      But phone number why? If you need any help please post your query here or make me email at my email-id manishupacc@gmail.com

    2. Well how many places you have post same comment on my blog?

  15. Hi Manish,

    Greetings from Netherlands! Thank you for posting these tutorials on your blog, very helpful indeed. I have just cloned your Git code and will have a good look at it.

    Cheers, Rene

    1. Hi Rene,
      Thanks and your most welcome!
      I will always try to post useful article for my visitors and followers.


    2. Hi Manish,

      Am planning to develop an android catalogue application(Stand alone) for jewelry shop, where in I need an application that can store images I select from the gallery or taken from the camera, So my question here is
      1. Storing images in sq-lite database is k or not? Does it impact the performance? Or should I store it in sdcard?
      2. How can I make my app to support different android devices with different OS versions and screens?
      3. How can I make reach user interface?
      Could you please take a moment and answer my questions or share any information that helps me.

  16. Hi Shiv,
    Sure I will help you if I can. Point wise your answers are given below-
    1)Yes if you have less images you can store them in local sqlite database but in case of heavy data you should use server-client architecture . Means web-services.

    2)For make support multipule device try below points-
    a)Use Relative-layout how much possible.
    b)Don't fix height, width hard coded, always use wrap and match parent.
    c)Use 4 images for all drawable i.e.- drawable-ldpi,drawable-mdpi,drawable-hdpi,drawable-xhdpi.
    d)And if any page needed create 4 layout for that also like-layout-mdpi,layout-xhdpi etc...

    3)For reach interface follow others app design and you can hire any designer too. for your application.


  17. Hi Manish,
    Thanks for your prompt reply...!

  18. hi manish ,
    This is Tanveer. new in android development and i want to know it's good to store large amount of data in sqlite database, and the app which i am developing it's having 25 to 30 screen activity will it slow down the performance hence i want to download the apk from my website so this will take time as well to download .so i need to know 25 to 30
    screen is ok for android or ?

    thanks ,
    Tanveer Sayyed

    1. How big your apk? I think till 30 pages sq-lite should work good. If you have big images in that case may be your app performance got slow but normally there is no issue till 20mb data.
      and android support on store till 50 mb apk.

  19. hiii Manish
    this is Ahaan(Ahmed)
    I m new in android and i want to khow how to store files(all extensan) in sd card and read(view) all files but my problem is when i m start downloaing my download will be finish and also in list view but when m press back and after that i will come again and see download list so i cant see list can u help me...


    1. I am not getting you, exactly what you want to say but i think you are trying to download files from server into your sdcard. and when you have them already in your sd-card you don't want download again them from server right?
      Okay so try these step may be it will help you-
      1)Create your app folder inside your sdcard i.e.-sdcard/mayApp/
      2)Get all files from your sdcard into your listview. first time no file so it will be empty.
      3)use async task to get files from server and on post execute display that files list in your listview.
      4)always check your folder for that files while you come on that page if they are already in your sdcard just continue else copy them from server.
      5)And for your problem I think when you come again from last page update your listview after onCreate() method.

      Note: Don't forget to give read and write external storage permission in you manifest.

  20. can you give me sample example for how i can i manage "online reserved and non reserved table booking" of restaurant in android.

    1. sorry megha, no demo for this type of app. but you can do it using back-end. i mean web-services.
      just put all record on server when some one book any table and every time update your page from server.

  21. hi Manish

    Can i get web content and display on screen android every 5 min

    Sorry i not good at english come from thailand


    1. Can you explain your question please? Do you want get content from web-view?

  22. i want get webpage content to display on web-view and myapp must be refresh interval 5 min by itself.

    very thanks Manish.

    1. please try these links-



  23. OMG, I've spent too much hours searching to find something like this, your post is very useful for me.. thz

  24. Thanks so much Manish
    I'm read more blog about android and was very nice

  25. hi,
    sir i have problem with Google map code ..i have completley add api of gogle map v2

    and i have create google apis key for my app

    i have successfulley inserted keys
    bt after at all
    it gives me error unfortunately

    i have download many of examples no one examples are work there is always this error for each example unfortunatley app has stopped .
    Shutting down VM
    : threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40ddd438)
    : java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{maping.amit.com/maping.amit.com.Splash}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #12: Error inflating class fragment
    : at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2114)
    : at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2139)
    : at android.app.ActivityThread.access$700(ActivityThread.java:143)
    : at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1241)
    : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
    : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
    : at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4960)
    : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
    : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1038)
    : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:805)
    : at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
    : Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #12: Error inflating class fragment

  26. this is main error in log cot
    log message :-threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40ddd438)


    1. I think you are using emulator for testing and which one don't have google play services or if you are using mobile phone it should have google play services. Exactly please let me know which device you are using for testing?

  27. hi sir i want one app in which user make one geofencing on google map on particular location. user make geofencing on any place so it is user define. and when he enters that location his phone is make silent automatically in that place and finds the time that how much time he spends at that place....for example i make geofencing on my office location on google map and when i enter in my office my phone is silent automatically if it on ringing mode or vibrate mode..and when i click button it displays time that how much time i spend at my office......plz help me to make this app...

    1. Hi, can you tell me how much task you achieved? and what are challenges here?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. sir can you plz tell me how to make app that track someone's location???

  31. hi sir i want to convert images to pdf in android i have to try but i got Empty pdf file(0kb).Another one thing when i click
    submit button it will saved as pdf file.please help me. ---- gmathi33@gmail.com

    1. hi sir good morning.... i have to use this itext-1.01.jar

  32. hi sir am bignnier level developer so pls tell me how can i upload my app on google play store

    1. Please follow the google developer articale regarding same. You need to purchase a developer account @25$ and after that make a signed apk and upload on play store.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Hello Sir , i want to show a Google maps draw route with updating movement means navagation route draw on map

  35. Hello Manish , this is jigs , mobile app developer from gujarat . need ur suggestion in integrating fitbit APIs with my own android application . i am stuck at one point and i already send mail to you ,kindly check it in ur free time.
    waiting for ur response . Thanks in advance ..

  36. Please tell me how to customise, like change the font of PagerTitleStrip in the android application .. I want a android application that changers the font of the pagertitlestrip by selectiong different font from the creadted Typefaces.

  37. Hi Manish I need help in working with layoutinflator... such as infleting from multiple xml files

  38. Hi mr manish i m a developer too i m want to make an booking reading app i have the scan images with me how i can make can u help please

  39. case R.id.crop:
    mEffect= effectFactory.createEffect(EffectFactory.EFFECT_CROP);
    mEffect.setParameter("xorigin", ?);
    mEffect.setParameter("yorigin", ?);
    mEffect.setParameter("width", ?);
    mEffect.setParameter("height", ?);

    i have want crop image so i have use effect factory crop effect but i dont have idea about Setparameter method Second argument so plz help me..which code i have use in second paramater of setparamater method

  40. Hi Manish. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for helping me out with My code. You are an amazing developer. I ve learned a lot from you. I wish you all the Best.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. u r doing nice sir.....
    i hv learn evevry tutorial...it is amazing
