Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to use Emulator camera and gallery in Android : Camera Capture and Gallery in Android Emulator :Enable camera in Android Emulator : Media Not found error in Android

Hello friends,
At the time of testing camera capture and  gallery in android emulator we got a message "Please insert a SD-Card". That mean we are not able to test camera and gallery functionality on emulator but no need to worry follow my blog step by step and it will help you.

1)Open you eclipse

2)Click on AVD Manager from the top of eclipse

3)Now create new AVD or Edit one from listed AVD.

4)First set SD-card size and after that click on create new Hardware

5)And now from property choose SD-card and camera if available in list

6)Run your project and enjoy :)

If it will help you please comment on my blog.


  1. Hello Mr. Manish

    I want to ask you something. Can we take a photo from android emulator? If the answer is yes, how we do it? Are we using web cam? Thanks before

    1. Yes Iruru, Yes sure we can take a photo from emulator using our web cam or laptop inbuilt camera...

    2. Wow, thanks for your fast response.. I already try it, and it works..

  2. Hi Bro.. Thanxx so muchh for awesome post. Let me ask you one question. Supose I have a GUI rich form. and when user click a button to add Details then that GUI page is opend.. Now In that Form, there is a lot of option like ImageView, TextView, EditText and CheckBox details are available.. now after filling all details, If i hit on Submit Button then all data should be inserted in SQLite and a ImageView with TextName should be dislplay on listItem on that page where add Details button was... Plz help me i badly need it in my project..
